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10 Fat Burning Foods!

fat-burnConsuming unhealthy food items and spending more time in treadmills never helps in burning the calories.

Now-a-days we come across a number of people who spend money over Hi-Tech weight losing machines. If there is no change in lifestyle, the weight loss cannot be achieved. The promises made by most of the weight losing machines in the market are proved to be false and seems to be hazardous to the health. The proper method of losing the kilos is to exercise along with the right kind of balanced diet which also encourages the metabolic activities. The immediate right choice is the intake of calorie burning food items in the food.

To turn the fat losing plan simple and effective, the food items that help in reducing fatty acids from the body are listed below. Follow these useful tips to lose weight.

  1. Calcium:
    We all know that calcium helps in strengthening the bones and teeth. Surprisingly, it is very helpful in controlling the hunger. Eating Milk products and calcium rich food reduces the concentration of fat as well as decreases the quantity of intake of food. Hence, those who aim at burning calories must take more amount of calcium rich food.
  2. Apples:
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away. At the same time, it helps in lowering the fatty level of the body. Yes! The peel of the apple is a wonder that dissolves the fatty acids. Pectin found in apple controls the absorption of fat by the body cells and also checks the accumulation of fat in the body.
  3. Walnut:
    Walnut contains Omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid and unsaturated fatty acids in desired proportions. This unsaturated fatty acid dissolves fat in a large scale activating the metabolic activity of the body. Hence take walnut to decrease the fat in a healthy way.
  4. Beans:
    Beans have got low fat, lower glycemic index which releases calories slowly, contains more amount of protein and fibre. It is a good protein substitute for the vegetarians. It helps in excreting the fats thereby increasing the metabolic activities. Beans are a good nutritious vegetable for burning the calories.
  5. Ginger:
    Ginger is a surprise package of medicinal values. It controls indigestion and acidity. It increases the blood circulation and helps in muscular restoration. Moreover, it stimulates the activities of burning calories and dissolving fats, hence helpful for those who desire to lose weigh.
  6. Oats:
    Oats can be taken in breakfast after a morning exercise or walk. As, Oats digests slowly in the intestine, it checks the blood sugar level and insulin level. So oats are a desirable food for the weight losing aspirants.
  7. Green Tea:
    Daily intake of 12 glasses of green tea helps in dissolving the accumulated fat in the body and prevents cancer.
  8. Pepper:
    Pepper burns calories and fats immediately after having food. It increases the metabolic activities quickly, within a short time. It contains capcysin which releases the acids and provides temporary energy to the body cells. In this way it burns the calories and fats.
  9. Water:
    Though water is not considered as a food, the necessary amount of water is inevitable for the body. If the necessary amount of water is not consumed by the body, the body feels the thirst. But sometimes we mistook the thirsty feeling for hungry and start eating food items. Hence, necessary amount of water plays a very important role in burning the fat from the body.
  10. Egg:
    Egg is a great fat dissolving food item. The egg yolk burns the fat and calories to a considerable amount. The fatty acids in egg affect the blood fat to a very little level. The egg contains essential fatty acids and proteins required by the body, hence egg is considered to be an apt food for weight losing plan.

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